
Question of the Week: Is Hong Kong On The Rise - Or Heading For Decline?

Inspired by Venice (right) and its history as a city state from 697 to 1797, I thought I would pose the following big-picture question: Is Hong Kong, as a global city, on the rise - or is it in decline, like the Venetian Republic at the end of its life? Do you think that Hong Kong will be riding the wave of globalization for years to come - or will this city lose its international status and go the way of la Serenissima, which was absorbed into Napoleon's empire to become just another Italian city?

Any thoughts are welcome!


POLI0019 Editorials

A reminder that POLI0019 editorials - team or individual - should be submitted by 7 pm this Friday, 23 November, to counter staff at the Politics and Public Administration Department office, 622 Meng Wah. Please consult the syllabus and earlier postings on this blog for format, writing guidelines, and the policy on late submissions.