
Legal Bloggers on Hong Kong

This might be of interest to you, particularly the Law and Government & Law students. Dan Harris, a partner at Harris & Moure, a boutique international law firm in Seattle, and his Mandarin-speaking colleague Steve Dickinson, who is based in Shanghai, run the China Law Blog. A few days ago Mr Harris posted a comment on Hong Kong (which included a link to our class blog!) and his impressions of the SAR. I found his account of how his firm's work in Hong Kong has diminished very interesting:
"There was a time where we fairly frequently helped our clients (mostly non-American clients) form companies in Hong Kong, but that work started dropping off around three years ago. Now when clients talk about wanting to form a Hong Kong company to go into mainland China we tell them doing so will in most cases do little more than increase their costs. Rarely does it make sense to do anything other than to just go into China directly by forming a company there."
Mr Harris includes a number of interesting links in his post. About 30 of his readers have commented on his observations. It makes for an interesting exchange - what the blog format is supposed to encourage. Check it out.