Following on from today's discussion on the media, next week we will have as our guest former journalist
Emily Lau Wai-hing, who is now a directly elected member of the Legislative Council and one of the founders of the political group The Frontier. Given her background, we will use as the starting point of the class exactly where we left off today: the state of freedom of the press in Hong Kong. I have asked Ms Lau to give her views on Hong Kong since the handover, focusing on political and social developments and the SAR's interaction with the mainland. She is never one to hold back so it should be very interesting, perhaps even provocative. You might wish to look through her
website to learn about her background and policy positions.
Please note that due to her commitments at Legco, we will begin the session with Ms Lau at 9.30 am and will end around 10.45 am. After a break, we will go on until 11.30 am, as usual.