
Deadline for Blog Comments: 14 December

The deadline for posting blog comments is Friday, 14 December. Please remember that by the end of the course you should have contributed at least three times. Greater frequency will be rewarded, but quality is the main criterion for assessment. Postings need not be long. What counts most are the ideas and arguments and how original or thoughtful they are. Particularly good comments are those that react to the lectures, to tutorial discussions, to what guest speakers have said and to readings and other material. Consider this good practice for the final exam.

You may comment on anything on the blog - questions posed, articles linked to the site, comments by other students. If you wish to post an original comment to start a thread, please send it to me and I will upload it for you.

Please do not leave your blogging to the last minute. (We aren't even half way to our goal!) Spare a thought for the person (me!) who will have to read all the papers, editorials, exams and blog comments over the holidays...