“Hong Kong: The Long March”, in Time Magazine, Asia edition, Vol. 169, No. 23, 18 June 2007, http://www.time.com/time/magazine/asia/0,9263,501070618,00.html
“The Death and Life of Hong Kong: Eating Crow” in globophobe.blogspot.com, http://globophobe.blogspot.com/2007/07/death-and-life-of-hong-kong-eating-crow.html (follow links to the two Fortune Magazine articles – “The Death of Hong Kong” by Louis Kraar and “Oops! Hong Kong is Hardly Dead” by Sheridan Prasso)
Asiaweek Magazine, Hong Kong Handover special issues, 20 June and 11 July 1997. Follow links at http://globophobe.blogspot.com/2007/07/handover-hangover-what-were-we-doing.html
For those who want to read about how the Hong Kong government works and recent political reforms, you should read this paper which was produced by the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs in the U.S. and Civic Exchange, a think tank in Hong Kong.
If you would like to watch clips of the handover ceremonies ten years ago, you can view these on YouTube. First, the British farewell and then the handover ceremony itself.