Believe it or not, in the 1960s and '70s, corruption was a big problem in Hong Kong. But the territory under the British did something about it. In 1974, the government set up the Independent Commission Against Corruption, which still exists today and is one of Hong Kong's main bulwarks against graft and corruption in the public and private sectors. On Wednesday, Daniel Fung will certainly be talking about the ICAC so I suggest you check out
its website and the quick
online presentation that outlines how the organization got started. The ICAC has become a model for other anti-corruption agencies in Asia and around the world because of its success at home.
You might be interested in
Transparency International's latest Corruption Perception Index, which was released on Wednesday. Hong Kong ranks 14th, one position better than
last year. Top of the ranking both this year and last, ie the countries perceived to be the least corrupt: Finland, Iceland and New Zealand.